For choa’s third volume, we continue to share the experiences of Korean diasporic women on Turtle Island (North America) and the ways they strive to build the lives they desire. This volume is made with gratitude for the traditional keepers of this land who have shared the resources and knowledge that have allowed us to thrive for generations. Continued.
VOLUME 3 | 2022
Aging in Place refers to living in one’s home safely and independently for as long as you desire and are able to.
For Volume 3, we explore what it means to “age in place,” with the understanding of aging as maturing, evolving, growing, or even witnessing a passage of time, just as it is about becoming older. What does it mean to age in one’s place —geographically and relationally—and to accept aging? How do you perceive yourself physically as you do? What kinds of support, services, and structures would you need and want to live comfortably in your home in the future? What would integrated community care look like in practice right now as we plan for our future selves and with others?
‘Aging in Place’이란 ‘나의 자리에서 나이 드는 것' 또는 ‘나의 커뮤니티와 안전하고 편안하게 사는 것'을 표현합니다.’ 우리는 나이 드는 것을 어떻게 받아들이고 있나? 우리의 신체와 외모는 세월의 흐름과 함께 어떻게 변화하고 있나? 한 자리에서 머문다는 것은 어떤 것일까? 앞으로 편안하고 자율적으로 나의 자리에서 살아가기 위해 어떤 도움, 지원과 체계가 필요할까? 함께 하는 미래에서 사회적 보호란 어떤 것일까?
<초아> 3호에서는 ‘노화' 뿐만 아니라 ‘성장', ‘진화' 혹은 ‘세월이 흐르는 것'이라는 여러 정의를 가지고 이 현상이 어떤 의미를 지니고 어떤 과정을 가졌는지에 살펴본다.
For Volume 3, we explore what it means to “age in place,” with the understanding of aging as maturing, evolving, growing, or even witnessing a passage of time, just as it is about becoming older. What does it mean to age in one’s place —geographically and relationally—and to accept aging? How do you perceive yourself physically as you do? What kinds of support, services, and structures would you need and want to live comfortably in your home in the future? What would integrated community care look like in practice right now as we plan for our future selves and with others?
‘Aging in Place’이란 ‘나의 자리에서 나이 드는 것' 또는 ‘나의 커뮤니티와 안전하고 편안하게 사는 것'을 표현합니다.’ 우리는 나이 드는 것을 어떻게 받아들이고 있나? 우리의 신체와 외모는 세월의 흐름과 함께 어떻게 변화하고 있나? 한 자리에서 머문다는 것은 어떤 것일까? 앞으로 편안하고 자율적으로 나의 자리에서 살아가기 위해 어떤 도움, 지원과 체계가 필요할까? 함께 하는 미래에서 사회적 보호란 어떤 것일까?
<초아> 3호에서는 ‘노화' 뿐만 아니라 ‘성장', ‘진화' 혹은 ‘세월이 흐르는 것'이라는 여러 정의를 가지고 이 현상이 어떤 의미를 지니고 어떤 과정을 가졌는지에 살펴본다.
"How do you put to words the tender and diverse experiences of growing up and growing old, of moving through this world with the people we love, or, simply, of being human with dreams for the future?"
Founders Harriet Kim and Mirae Lee reflect on how the theme came about and the various sides of aging in place.
With cover art by Cory Feder
Founders Harriet Kim and Mirae Lee reflect on how the theme came about and the various sides of aging in place.
With cover art by Cory Feder
We are all going to die.
"The act of setting aside a legacy portrait means that they have accepted their mortality and are working to leave something of themselves behind for the people who will survive them." Photos & Text by Juliana Sohn |
내가 사는 곳에서, 지속 가능한 놀음 찾기
Finding Sustainable Joy Where I Live "가까이 있는 익숙한 것들로부터 오히려 새로움을 발견할 수 있지 않을까? Could I find newness from the familiar things around me?" Text by 김나영 Nayoung Kim Illustration by 도아마 Doaama |
Living in House Plant Time
"Unlike a tree in the ground, these houseplants have been constantly displaced and forced to adjust to varying pressures inflicted by the sporadic circumstances of me, their owner." Art by Lily Jeon |
New York Grandmas
“For over 40 years, the sisters heavily relied on each other for companionship and support while navigating and strategizing how they’d fulfill their tasks for the day.” Photos & Text by Jennifer Lee |
Dr. Jiyeh Joo on skin health, pressures of youthfulness, and having a personal understanding of beauty
"I realized the importance of the skin and the significant impact it has on a person’s identity, sense of well-being, and functionality." Interview by Mirae Lee |
Korean seniors don't care for Bingo.
"When I am 88 years old, I will have lived in Canada for 78 years. Out in the streets, will I still be foreign?" Text & Visual by Emily Jung |
Crystal Hana Kim on the in-between phases of aging and storytelling across generations
"I want to be constantly growing in my thinking, in my empathy, in my writing, and in my relationships. At the same time, there’s a lot of routine in my life, which requires a different sort of patience and attention." Interview by Harriet Kim |
Special thanks to the "choa joah" donors:
Aeri Swendson
Aimee Higby Alexia Kim Arkady Arkhangorodsky Aysha Valkema Carolyn Yoo Claire Kim Dana Kim |
Diana Yoon
Frances Kim Grace Song Hyungu Kang Jasmine Gui Jing Tey Laura Fraser |
Mia McGill
Patricia Youn Phillip Jang Robin Buyers Rosel Kim Xi Sisi Shen Yumi Lawlor |