Volume 4 Call for Submissions [ENDED]Deadline: March 31, 2024Sex is a private yet universal experience that is collectively and individually (re)negotiated over lifetimes.
For Volume 4, we invite you to join us in exploring the theme of sex within complex, multilayered physical, psychological, relational, cultural, and political contexts. When you were growing up, how did you learn about sex? What kind of influences impacted your understanding and experience of sex? How do you relate sex to the ways that your body changes over a lifetime, from puberty to menstruation, pregnancy, and/or menopause? How do you take care of your sexual and reproductive health? Have you experienced sex differently for work versus pleasure or family planning? The experience of sex is open to interpretation. Share your stories, art, or music about sex, from the (un)pleasurable and kinky to the challenging or different. We encourage Korean women across the spectrum of experiences to share their submissions. Korean refers to anyone who identifies with this ethnicity, including those of mixed heritage and any adoption or citizenship status. Women include anyone who identifies with the gender identity of “female.” You don’t have to be an artist to submit! We welcome everyone in all sorts of careers and life stages. Given our mission to expand our understanding of Korean experiences, we especially encourage submissions from members of different parts of the Korean community, including people with disabilities, across generations, from the LGBTQ2+ community, and who identify with other marginalized groups. We only accept pieces in English and/or Korean. All submissions will be notified of selection by May. Part 1 of Volume 2 will be released in August 2024, and Part 2 in November 2024. Please refer to our submission guidelines and publication rates below. Submission Guidelines & Publication RatesWe only accept unpublished work—work that has not been published in another publisher's platform or publication, or previously shown publicly. Personal work that has been shown on personal websites for portfolio purposes without affiliation or display on another publisher's platform are accepted. You own the copyright to your piece. We only request first publishing rights.
Multiple submissions are permitted in the same or different genres, as well as simultaneous submissions, but please inform us if your piece is accepted by or will be released in another publication. If you've submitted to our previous call for submissions, you can submit again if you have not been published in the magazine. If you've contributed to our newsletter, you can submit as well. To submit, please include all components of your piece in one email, label the subject line “Vol 4 - Your Name - Genre,” and send to [email protected]. We request that you provide a short bio of around 50 words, including how you identify in relation to being Korean and which city/country you are based in. We are committed to providing an honorarium to all our contributors. All honorarium is in Canadian Dollars and provided through e-transfer or PayPal. Poetry:
Fiction & Non-Fiction:
Visual Art & Comic:
Short Video & Film:
Audio & Music:
If you have any questions regarding the submission process or the guideline, please send your email to [email protected], and one of the Managing Editors will get back to you as soon as possible. Deadline: March 31, 2024 |